
許梅娟 (Mei-Jywan Syu) 教授



NCKU Research: https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/en/persons/mei-jywan-syu

個人CV :


  • 美國普渡大學博士
  • 國立台灣大學碩士
  • 國立成功大學學士


  • 國立成功大學 教授 (1998-present)
  • 生物技術開發中心產程開發組 助理研究員 (1987-1988)
  • Board member, Division of Nano-Biotechnology, Biosensors and Biochips (NBB), AFOB (Asian Federation of Biotechnology) (2014.10-)
  • 台灣化工會誌 (JTICE) 副編輯 (2015.07-2018.06)
  • Member of Phi-Tau-Phi (斐陶斐) Scholastic Honor Society of ROC since 1985


  • Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, 2017.
  • 九十八年度台灣化學工程學會賴再得教授獎 (2009)
  • 年度佳作獎,化工技術,1996
  • 研究創作獎,大專生暑期專題計畫,1996,1997



  • 化工熱力學三乙(三年級上學期,必修)
  • 單元操作實驗四乙 (四年級上學期,必修)
  • 單元操作一 (part I) (二年級甲乙班下學期,必修,合開)
  • 生物材料概論(改名為  功能性材料概論與生醫應用)  (大三大四下學期,選修)


  • 生物工程概論 (大三大四,選修)
  • 程序控制 (三甲,必修)
  • 程序控制實驗 (三甲,必修)
  • 最適化方法 (大三大四,選修,合開)
  • 單元操作三(part I) (三年級甲乙班下學期,必修)
  • 生物材料特論 (碩博,選修,合開)
  • 類神經網路與應用 (碩博,選修)
  • 酵素與發酵工程 (碩博,選修)
  • 製程最適化 (碩博,選修,合開)


Selected Papers 

  1. CH Luo, Mei-Jywan Syu, SC Shiesh, SC Lai, WJ Ma, YH Juan, WH Juang. Urine microchip sensing system. Ed., CM Kyung, H Yasuura, YP Liu, YL Lin. Smart Sensors and System: Innovations for Medical, Environmental, and IoT Applications. Springer Verlag, Inc. 359-384, 2017.
  2. Mei-Jywan Syu*, SH Lin, SC Shiesh (許梅娟,林士勛,謝淑珠) (專利權人: 許梅娟)。電化學分析樣品之白血球酯化酵素之裝置 (A test device for electrochemical analysis on leukocyte esterase)。中華民國新型專利,專利編號 M516161, 2016.01-2025.09。
  3. Chao-June Huang, Jiun-Lin Lin, Ping-Hong Chen, Mei-Jywan Syu*, Gwo-Bin Lee*. A multi-functional electrochemical sensing system using microfluid technology for detection of urea and creatinine. Electrophoresis, 32(8), 931-938, 2011.
  4. Mei-Jywan Syu*, Ting-Jung Hsu, Zong-Kun Lin. Synthesis of recognition matrix from 4-methylamino-N-allylnaphthalimide with fluorescent effect for the imprinting of creatinine. Analytical Chemistry 82(21), 8821-8829, 2010. 
  5. Yung-Shun Chang, Ting-Hsien Ko, Ting-Jung Hsu, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Synthesis of an imprinted hybrid organic-inorganic polymeric sol-gel matrix toward the specific binding and isotherm kinetics investigation of creatinine. Analytical Chemistry 81(6), 2098-2105, 2009.
  6. Mei-Jywan Syu*, Yu-Sung Chang. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 24, 2671-2677, 2009.
  7. YS Chang, T Ko, T Hsu, MJ Syu*. Synthesis of an imprinted hybrid organic-inorganic polymeric sol-gel matrix toward the specific binding and isotherm kinetics investigation of creatinine. Analytical Chemistry 81, 2098-2105, 2009.
  8. SK Chou, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Via zinc(II) protoporphyrin to the synthesis of poly(ZnPP-MAA-EGDMA) for the imprinting and selective binding of bilirubin. Biomaterials 30(7), 1255-1262, 2009.
  9. CY Huang, Mei-Jywan Syu*, Yong-Shuen Chang, CH Chang, TC Chou, BD Liu. A portable potentiostat for the bilirubin-specific sensor prepared from molecular imprinting. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22(8), 1694-1699, 2007. 
  10. Mei-Jywan Syu*, Tsung-Chieh Chiu, Chune-You Lai, Yong-Sheun Chang. Amperometric detection of bilirubin from a micro-sensing electrode with a synthetic bilirubin imprinted poly(MAA-co-EGDMA) film. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22(4), 550-557, 2006.    
  11. Mei-Jywan Syu*, You-Ming Nian, YS Chang, XZ Lin, Shu-Chu Shiesh, TC Chou. Ionic effect on the binding of bilirubin to the imprinted poly(methacrylic acid-co-ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate). Journal of Chromatography A 1122, 1/2, 54-62, 2006.
  12. An-Hua Wu and Mei-Jywan Syu*. Synthesis of bilirubin imprinted polymer thin film for the continuous detection of bilirubin in an MIP/QCM/FIA system. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 21(12), 2345-2353, 2006. 
  13. RY Hsieh, Hsuan-Ang Tsai, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Designing a molecularly imprinted polymer as an artificial receptor for the specific recognition of creatinine in serums. Biomaterials 27(9), 2083-2089, 2006.  
  14. Mei-Jywan Syu*, You-Ming Nian. An allosteric model for the binding of bilirubin to the bilirubin imprinted poly(methacrylic acid-co-ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate). Analytica Chim Acta 539, 97-106, 2005. 
  15. Hsuan-An Tsai, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Synthesis and characterization of creatinine imprinted poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-divinylbenzene) as a specific recognition receptor. Analytica Chim Acta 539, 107-116, 2005. 
  16. Mei-Jywan Syu*, Jing-Hong Deng, You-Ming Nian, AH Wu. Binding specificity of a-bilirubin imprinted poly(methacrylic acid-co-ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate) toward alpha-bilirubin. Biomateials 26(22), 4684-4692, 2005. 
  17. Hsuan-An Tsai, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Synthesis of creatinine imprinted poly(beta-cycloextrin) for the specific binding of creatinine. Biomaterials 26, 2759-2766, 2005. 
  18. Mei-Jywan Syu*, Jing-Hong Deng, You-Ming Nian. Towards bilirubin imprinted polymethacrylic acid for the specific binding of alpha-bilirubin. Analytica Chim Acta 504(1), 167-177, 2004.
  19. Mei-Jywan Syu*, Bour-Jia Chen, Shun-Tien Chou. Backpropagation neural network on-line adaptive control of a benzoic acid simulated wastewater oxidative treatment process. Ind Eng Chem Res 42, 6862-6871, 2003.
  20. Mei-Jywan Syu*. A minireview – Biological production of 2,3-butanediol. Invited. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 55, 10-18, 2001.  
  21. Mei-J. Syu*, Bow-C. Chen. Backpropagation neural network adaptive control of a continuous wastewater treatment process. Ind Eng Chem Res 37(9), 3625-3630, 1998.
  22. Mei-J. Syu*, Jwo-Y Liu. Neural network sensitivity analysis of the detected signal from an SO2 electrode. Sensors and Actuators B 50/1, 1-8, July 15, 1998.
  23. Mei-J. Syu*, JB Chang. Recurrent backpropagation neural network adaptive control of the penicillin acylase fermentation by Arthrobacter viscosus. Ind Eng Chem Res 36(9), 3756-3761, 1997.


 Conference papers 

  1. Mei-Jywan Syu*. Development of home-care portable urinary biochip. Invited speech, 1st China Forum on Biosensors, Biochips and Nanobiotechnology. Foshan, China. October 19-21, 2017.
  2. Yan-Lin Wang, Guan-Wen Lin, GY Wu, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Investigation on the adsorption of carbon dioxide by metal-organic frameworks. 2017台灣化工學會年會,壁報海報,傑作論文獎。Nov 17-18, 2017.
  3. Mei-Jywan Syu (許梅娟)*. 居家看護用尿液檢測晶片之開發 Development of home-care urinary biochip,oral presentation,南港展覽館,BioTaiwan Exhibition台灣生物科技大展。July 23, 2015
  4. Yu-Lin Huang, Yan-Di Tseng, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Fabrication of ionic liquid doped imprinted poly(methacrylic acid-co-ethylene glycol dimethyl acrylate) electrode for the amperometric sensing of bilirubin. 2015 高分子年會,傑出獎。
  5. Cheng-Yu Cheng, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Preparation of the bilirubin imprinted polymer via 2-amino-3-nitro-5-vinylpyridine functional monomer for the specific binding investigation. 2015 高分子年會,優秀獎。
  6. Yu-Lin Huang, Yan-Di Tseng, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Fabrication of the ionic liquid doped imprinted polymer electrode for the amperometric sensing of bilirubin. outstanding poster award, 2014 Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Worshop (TJBP), October 12-15, 2014, Tainan, Taiwan.
  7. Yan-Di Tseng, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Preparation of bilirubin imprinted polymer modified electrode doping with room-temperature ionic liquid and investigation on the amperometric detection of bilirubin. 2013生物技術暨生物工程研討會,口頭論文報告優勝
  8. 馬偉哲,許耀維,阮翌翔,蘇建倫,羅錦興*,許梅娟*,可攜式腎功能居家檢測系統,Portable renal function detection home care system. 雅博科技獎,2012中華民國生物醫學工程創意設計製作競賽,高雄科技園區,October 26, 2012.
  9. LP Wu, Shuo-Yan Hong, MJ Syu*. Investigation of hyperthermia effect from beta-cyclodextrin modified magnetic nanoparticles. 2012第七屆高雄國際儀器展,研究論文壁報比賽優等獎,July 19-21, 2012.
  10. PH Chen, PL Lin, KH He, YS Chang, JL Lin, MJ Syu*, CJ Huang, GB Lee. Urease/Polypyrrole fabricated microelectrode integrated with the microfluidic system for the flow injection detection of urea and creatinine. 第七屆高雄國際儀器展,研究論文壁報比賽佳作獎,2012.
  11. 利鴻源,李約亨,董奕慶,許梅娟*,趙怡欽*,Swirling flame structure of liquid fuel-film combustor. 第22屆燃燒與能源學術研討會,論文競赛圖片競賽第二名,April 21, 2012.
  12. Mei-Jywan Syu*. Towards the investigation of thermal effect induced from the biocompatible polymer modified nano-magnetic particles, invited speech, PCGMR (Promotion Center for Global Material Research, NCKU) 揭牌典禮暨奈米材料研討會, September 24, 2011.
  13. Mei-Jywan Syu*. Synthesis of recognition polymeric matrix by the molecular imprinting technology for the specific binding of biomedical analyte. invited speech, Symposium P: NanoMaterials and Technology, IMURS-ICA 2010 (C-MRS), Sep 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China.
  14. MJ Syu*, YS Chang. Electropolymerization of urease/pyrrole onto the carbon paper microelectrode for the sensing and electrochemical kinetic investigation of urea. Oral presentation (July 5’s morning) International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM), July 4-9, 2010.
  15. H Cheng, MJ Syu*. Amperometric sensing of bilirubin from its specific uptake via the fabrication of the imprinted poly(vinylimidazole-EGDMA) film onto Au substrate. poster presentation (the only one from Taiwan selected for 3-minute oral presentation for youth award), 2010 ICSM, July 4-9, 2010.
  16. Mei-Jywan Syu*. Synthesis of materials with molecular recognition cavity for biomedical applications. invited speech, June 27, Session 6: Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology, BioEconomy 2007, The Ministry of Science and Technology, June 26-28, 2007, Tianjin, PROC.
  17. Yu-Chieh Liao, Mei-Jywan Syu*. Investigation of beta-cyclodextrin based material for the affinity adsorption and desorption of alpha-amylase. 189,英文口頭發表特優,第八屆生化工程研討會,六月二十七、二十八日,高雄義守大學化工系,2003


  • 66th ISE annual meeting (66th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry), Symposium (II) (Bioelectrochemistry symposium) organizing committee member, October 4-9, 2015, NTUST (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2011 第五十八屆台灣化工年會籌備委員
  • 成大化工系系友會理事
  • 005, 2006 成大性別平等委員會委員
  • 2003與2006第一屆及第二屆International Meeting on Microsystems and Microsensors籌備委員