- 美國愛荷華州立大學 化學工程系 博士(美國 9009 - 9405 )
- 國立清華大學 化學工程系 碩士(中華民國 8709 - 8906 )
- 國立清華大學 化工系 學士(中華民國 8309 - 8706 )
羅介聰 (Chieh-Tsung Lo) 教授
NCKU Research: https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/en/persons/chieh-tsung-lo

- 國立成功大學 教授 (1040801-)
- 國立成功大學 副教授 (1000801 - 1040731)
- 國立成功大學 助理教授 (960801 - 1000731)
- 上學期, 化工所 碩博 高分子表面和界面
- 上學期, 化工系 三甲 程序控制
- 下學期, 化工系 三甲 單元操作(三)
- 下學期, 化工系 三乙 單元操作(三)
- 下學期, 化工系 三丙 單元操作(三)
- A. 期刊論文:
Yu-Rong Hu, Hsin-Yu Lin, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Thermal Treatment Induced Crystal Development and Crystal Orientation Change in Electrospun Coaxial Fibers Comprising Dual Crystalline Polymers”, Macromol. Rapid Commun., accepted, 2024.
Hsiu-Feng Huang, Yi-Hsin Tsai, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Effects of Hard and Soft Confinement on Crystal Polymorphism and Crystal Development in Electrospun Core–Sheath Fibers”, J. Polym. Sci, 62, 4214–4227, 2024.
Kuang-Hsin Wu, Chia-Pei Hsieh, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Compositional Asymmetry in a Crystalline-Amorphous Block Copolymer Influences the Phase and Crystallization Behaviors of Its Blend with an Amorphous Block Copolymer”, Soft Matter, 20, 4308–4318, 2024.
Kuan-Hsuan Lee, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Additives for Enhancing the Crystallizability and Degradability of Electrospun Poly(L-lactide) Fibers”, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 5, 9525–9535, 2023.
Ying-Chuan Lin, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Crucial Structural Parameters Affecting Electrochemical Properties of Activated Electrospun Carbon Fibers as Solid-State Supercapacitor Electrodes”, J. Mater. Sci., 58, 15144–15161, 2023.
Ting-Fang Chen, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Influence of Interfacial Compatibility on the Crystallization Behavior of Electrospun Core–Sheath Fibers”, Polymer, 283, 126200, 2023.
Yu-Chen Lai, Yu-Rong Hu, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Hydrogen Bonding-Induced Crystal Orientation Changes in Confined Microdomains Constructed by Block Copolymer Blends”, Macromolecules, 56, 241-253, 2023.
Yu-Chen Lai and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Hydrogen Bonding Induced Microphase and Macrophase Separations in Binary Block Copolymer Blends”, Polymer, 262, 125501, 2022.
Po-Yun Chuang, Shu-Yu Liao, Kuang-Hsin Wu, Yu-Rong Hu, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Competitive Effects of Hydrogen Bonds and Molecular Weights on the Phase and Crystallization Behaviors of Binary Block Copolymers”, Macromolecules, 55, 7411-7424 2022.
Manikandan Palanisamy, Keng-Wei Lin, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Vilas Pol*, “In Situ Thermal Safety Aspect of Electrospun Polyimide-Al2O3 Separator Reveals Less Exothermic Heat Energies than Polypropylene at the Thermal Runaway Event of Lithium-ion Batteries”, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 14, 28310-28320, 2022.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Yi-Shan Wu, Sheng-Min Huang, Pei-Jung Tsai, Chien-Liang Lee*, “Carbon Fibre-supported Hierarchical NiCo Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets as Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensors for Sport Drinks and Serum”, Food Chem., 383, 132383, 2022.
Yu-Shen Wu, Jing-Yao Ma, Jitendra P. Mata, Chun-Ming Wu, Kai-Ling Hsu, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Manipulating the Structures and Photoresponsive Properties of an Azobenzene-Containing Triblock Copolymer by Changing Solvency and Adding Salts”, J. Mol. Liq., 348, 118013, 2022.
Kuan-Hsuan Lee, Hsiu-Feng Huang, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Influence of Precursor Solvent and Confined Environment on the Polymorphic Transition in Electrospun Poly(L-lactide) Fibers”, Polymer, 237, 124339, 2021.
Tong Xu, Mingshu Zhao*, Zhou Su, Zheng Li, Vilas Pol*, Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Investigating Architectured Na3V2(PO4)3@C/CNF Hybrid Cathode in Aqueous Zinc Ion Battery”, Energy. Fuel., 35, 19, 16194-16201, 2021.
Nhu Quynh Nguyen, Ting-Fang Chen, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Confined Crystallization and Chain Conformational Change in Electrospun Poly(ethylene Oxide) Nanofibers”, Polym. J., 53, 895-905, 2021.
Jing-Yao Ma, Kai-Ling Hsu, Jitendra P. Mata, Chun-Ming Wu, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Solvency and Salt Addition Influence the Photoresponsivity and Fluorescence in an Azobenzene-Containing Block Copolymer”, Polymer, 228, 123941, 2021.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Keng-Wei Lin, Tzu-Pei Wang, Sheng-Min Huang, Chien-Liang Lee*, “Differentiating between the Effects of Nitrogen Plasma and Hydrothermal Treatment on Electrospun Carbon Fibers Used as Supercapacitor Electrodes”, Electrochim. Acta, vol. 381, 138255, 2021.
Jassiel R. Rodriguez*, Deep Jokhakar, Harsha Rao, Keng-Wei Lin, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Sandra B. Aguirre, Vilas G. Pol, “Freestanding Polyimide Fiber Network as Thermally Safer Separator for High-Performance Li Metal Batteries”, Electrochim. Acta, vol. 377, 138069, 2021.
Meng-Yin Chung, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “High-Performance Binder-Free RuO2/Electrospun Carbon Fiber Supercapacitor Electrodes”, Electrochim. Acta, vol. 364, 137324, 2020.
Ming-Liang Hsiao, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Hierarchical Nanostructured Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber/NiCo2O4 Composites as Binder-Free Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries”, Int. J. Energy Res., vol. 44, 8606-8621, 2020.
Meng-Yin Chung, Sheng-Min Huang, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Surfactants Mediating Microstructure and Electrochemical Supercapacitive Properties of Ruthenium Oxide/Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber Composites”, J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 166, A2870-A2878, 2019.
Hsin-Tzu Tai, Yen-Chun Lin, Jing-Yao Ma, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Hydrogen Bonding–Induced Assembled Structures and Photoresponsive Behavior of Azobenzene Molecule/Polyethylene Glycol Complexes”, Polymers, vol. 11, 1360, 2019.
Chia-Chen Wang, Kuang-Hsin Wu, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Chain Architecture and Hydrogen Bonding Induced Co-Ordering and Segregation of Block Copolymer/Graft Copolymer Blends”, Macromolecules, vol. 52, 3210-3221, 2019.
Yu-Wen Chen, Bo-Jhih Yeh, Takeji Hashimoto*, Shu-Yu Liao, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Hydrogen-Bonding Induced Co-Ordering and Interfacial Curvature Controlled Crystallization Behavior of Binary Copolymer Blends”, Macromolecules, vol. 51, 7699-7712, 2018.
Yuan-Ping Lyu, Yi-Shan Wu, Tsu-Pei Wang, Chien-Liang Lee*, Meng-Yin Chung, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Hydrothermal and Plasma Nitrided Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers for Amperometric Sensing of Hydrogen Peroxide”, Microchim. Acta, vol. 185, 371, 2018.
Pin-Chi Huang, Jitendra P. Mata, Chun-Ming Wu, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Morphology-Mediated Photoresponsive and Fluorescence Behaviors of Azobenzene-Containing Block Copolymers”, Langmuir, vol. 34, 7416-7427, 2018.
Jia-Min Syu, Ming-Liang Hsiao, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Electrospun Carbon Fiber/Nickel–Cobalt Composites as Binder-Free Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries”, J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 164, A3903-A3913, 2017.
Ching-Chang Lai, Meng-Yin Chung, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Nitric Acid Oxidation of Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers as Supercapacitor Electrodes”, Text. Res. J., vol. 87, 2337-2348, 2017.
Jia-Min Syu, Ming-Liang Hsiao, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Effect of Temperature on the Morphology and Anode Performance of Binder-Free Carbon Nanofiber/Nickel–Cobalt Hydroxide and Carbon Nanofiber/Nickel–Cobalt Oxide for Lithium-Ion Batteries”, J. Phys. Chem. C, vol. 121, 23287-23299, 2017.
Ryan Adams, Jia-Min Syu, Yunpu Zhao, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Arvind Varma, Vilas Pol*, “Binder-free, N- and O-Rich Carbon Nanofiber Anodes for Long Cycle Life K-ion Batteries", ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., vol. 9, 17872-17881, 2017.
Ting-Lei Lee and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Photoresponsive and Fluorescence Behaviors of Azobenzene-Containing Amphiphilic Block Copolymers”, J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. Ed., vol. 55, 793-803, 2017.
Jyun-Sian Ye, Zhe-Ting Liu, Ching-Chang Lai, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, Chien-Liang Lee*, “Diameter Effect of Electrospun Carbon Fiber Support for the Catalysis of Pt Nanoparticles in Glucose Oxidation”, Chem. Eng. J., vol. 283, 304-312, 2016.
Ching-Chang Lai and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Preparation of Nanostructural Carbon Nanofibers and Their Electrochemical Performance for Supercapacitors”, Electrochim. Acta, vol. 183, 85-93, 2015.
Yi-Te Peng and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Electrospun Porous Carbon Nanofibers as Lithium Ion Battery Anodes”, J. Solid State Electrochem., vol. 19, 3401-3410, 2015.
Ching-Chang Lai and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Effect of Temperature on Morphology and Electrochemical Capacitive Properties of Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers and Nickel Hydroxide Composites”, Electrochim. Acta, vol. 174, 806-814, 2015.
Chieh-Tsung Lo*, Ming-Hsuan Li, Wei-Ting Lin, “The Dispersion State of Magnetic Nanorods in Homopolymers and Block Copolymers”, J. Chem. Phys., vol. 142, 184903, 2015.
Ching-Chang Lai and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Plasma Oxidation of Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers as Supercapacitor Electrodes”, RSC Adv., vol. 5, 38868-38872, 2015.
Yi-Te Peng and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Effect of Microstructure and Morphology of Electrospun Ultra-Small Carbon Nanofibers on Anode Performances for Lithium Ion Batteries”, J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 162(6), A1085-A1093, 2015.
Pei-Chun Kuo, Ya-Ching Chang, Chuh-Yung Chen, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Morphology and Crystallization Behavior of Poly(L-lactide)/Poly(butylene oxalate) Blends”, J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. Ed., vol. 53, 192-202, 2015. (selected as an inside cover)
Ya-Hui Hsu, Ching-Chang Lai, Yi-Te Peng, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Preparation and Characterization of Interconnected Carbon Nanofibers”, Text. Res. J., vol. 85(1), 3-12, 2015.
Chieh-Tsung Lo* and Po-Wei Chou, “Effect of Molecular Properties of Random Copolymers on the Stability and Domain Dimension of Block Copolymer/Random Copolymer Blends”, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 118, 12763-12771, 2014.
Shu-Chi Tsao and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Photoresponsive Behavior and Self-Organization of Azobenzene-Containing Block Copolymers”, RSC Adv., vol. 4(45), 23585-23594, 2014.
Ya-Hui Hsu, Ching-Chang Lai, Chia-Ling Ho, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Preparation of Interconnected Carbon Nanofibers as Electrodes for Supercapacitors”, Electrochim. Acta, vol. 127, 369-376, 2014.
Pei-Chun Kuo, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, Chuh-Yung Chen, “Crystallization and Microstructure of Poly(butylene oxalate)”, Polymer, vol. 54, 6654-6662, 2013.
Chieh-Tsung Lo* and Kai-Hsiang Tsui, “The Dispersion of Magnetic Nanorods in Poly(
Chieh-Tsung Lo* and Wei-Ting Lin, “Effect of Rod Length on the Morphology of Block Copolymer/Magnetic Nanorod Composites”, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 117, 5261-5270, 2013.
Yen-Tzu Chen and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Self-assembled Structures in Block Copolymer/Graft Copolymer Blends with Hydrogen Bonding Interaction”, Soft Matter, vol. 9, 1756-1760, 2013.
Chieh-Tsung Lo*, Byeongdu Lee, Mong-Wei Gao, and Po-Wei Chou, “Ordering of Block Copolymer/Nanoparticle Composite Thin Films”, Polym. Int., vol. 62, 99-105, 2013.
Bhupendra Singh, Chia-Ling Ho, Yuan-Chieh Tseng, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Controlled Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Nickel Phosphide and Bimetallic Iron-Nickel Phosphide Nanorods”, J. Nanopart. Res., vol. 14, 706, 2012.
Nandho Rahmansyah, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, Ciou-Mei Syu, and Chien-Liang Lee*, “Non-isothermal Crystallization of Polyethylene Oxide/Silver Nanoplate Composites”, Polym. Int., vol. 60, 1380-1389, 2011.
Nandho Rahmansyah, Chieh-Tsung Lo*, Ciou-Mei Syu, and Chien-Liang Lee*, “Isothermal Crystallization of Polyethylene Oxide/Silver Nanoplate Composites”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., vol. 122, 1236-1244, 2011.
Eva Oktavia Ningrum, Wei-Ting Lin, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “The Nanostructure and Dewetting of Block Copolymer Thin Films Annealed in Different Neutral Solvents”, Polym. Eng. Sci., vol. 51, 1339-1346, 2011.
Eva Oktavia Ningrum, Chien-Chih Chang, and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Effect of Solvent Annealing on the Nano- and Micro-structure of Block Copolymer Thin Film”, J. Macromol. Sci. Phys., vol. 50, 1298-1312, 2011.
Chien-Chih Chang and Chieh-Tsung Lo*, “Effect of Particles on the Structure of Solvent Annealed Block Copolymer/Nanoparticle Composite Thin Film”, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 115, 2485-2493, 2011.
Chieh-Tsung Lo*, Yu-Cheng Chang, Shih-Chi Wu, and Chien-Liang Lee*, “Effect of Particle Size on the Phase Behavior of Block Copolymer/Nanoparticle Composites”, Colloid Surf. A-Physicochem. Eng. Asp., vol. 368, 6-12, 2010.
Chieh-Tsung Lo* and Po-Yu Kuo, “Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Iron Phosphide Nanorods”, J. Phys. Chem. C, vol. 114, 4808-4815, 2010.
Chieh-Tsung Lo* and Chun-Jung Chao, “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticle/Block Copolymer Composites”, Langmuir, vol. 25, 12865-12869, 2009.
Chunyu Yang, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Ashraf F. Bastawros, and Balaji Narasimhan, “Measurements of Diffusion Thickness at Polymer Interfaces by Nanoindentation: A Numerically Calibrated Experimental Approach”, J. Mater. Res., vol. 24, 985-992, 2009.
M. Kanapathipillai, Y. Yusufoglu, A. Rawal, Y. -Y. Hu, Chieh-Tsung Lo, P. Thiyaigarajan, Y. E. Kalay, M. Akinc, Surya K. Mallapragada, and K. Schmidt-Rohr, “Synthesis and Characterization of Ionic Block Copolymer Templated Calcium Phosphate Nanocomposites”, Chem. Mater., vol. 20, 5922-5932, 2008.
Michael D. Determan, Liang Guo, Chieh-Tsung Lo, P. Thiyagarajan, and Surya K. Mallapragada, “pH-and Temperature Dependent Phase Behavior of a PEO-PPO-PEO-based Pentablock Copolymer in Aqueous Media”, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 78, 021802, 2008.
Byeongdu Lee, Chieh-Tsung Lo, P. Thiyagarajan, Dong R. Lee, Zhongwei Niu, and Qian Wang, “Structural Characterization Using the Multiple Scattering Effects in Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle X-ray Scattering”, J. Appl. Cryst., vol. 41, 134-142, 2008.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Byeongdu Lee, Vilas G. Pol, Nancy L. Dietz Rago, Soenke Seifert, Randall E. Winans, and P. Thiyagarajan, “Effect of Molecular Properties of Block Copolymers and Nanoparticles on the Morphology of Self-Assembled Bulk Nanocomposites”, Macromolecules, vol. 40, 8302-8310, 2007.
Byeongdu Lee, Chieh-Tsung Lo, P. Thiyagarajan, Randall E. Winans, Xuefa Li, Zhongwei Niu, and Qian Wang, “Effect of Interfacial Interaction on the Cross-Sectional Morphology of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Using GISAXS”, Langmuir, vol. 23, 11157-11163, 2007.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Byeongdu Lee, Nancy L. Dietz Rago, Randall E. Winans, and P. Thiyagarajan, “Strategy for Better Ordering in Diblock Copolymer Based Nanocomposites”, Macromol. Rapid. Commun., vol. 28, 1607-1612, 2007.
Byeongdu Lee, Insun Park, Haewoong Park, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Taihyun Chang, and Randall E. Winans, “Electron Density Map Using Multiple Scattering in Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering”, J. Appl. Cryst., vol. 40, 496-504, 2007.
Byeongdu Lee, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Soenke Seifert, Nancy L. Dietz Rago, Randall E. Winans, and P. Thiyagarajan, “Anomalous Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Characterization of Bulk Block Copolymer/Nanoparticle Composites”, Macromolecules, vol. 40, 4235-4243, 2007.
D. Enlow, A. Rawal, M. Kanapathipillai, K. Schmidt-Rohr, Surya K. Mallapragada, Chieh-Tsung Lo, P. Thiyagarajan, and M. Akinc, “Synthesis and Characterization of Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Templated Calcium Phosphate Nanocomposite Gels”, J. Mater. Chem., vol. 17, 1570-1578, 2007.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Byeongdu Lee, Randall E. Winans, and P. Thiyagarajan, “Phase Behavior of Nanoparticle/Diblock Copolymer Complexes in a Selective Solvent”, Macromolecules, vol. 40, 641-647, 2007.
Byeongdu Lee, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Soenke Seifert, and Randall E. Winans, “Silver Behenate as a Calibration Standard of Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-Ray Scattering”, J. Appl. Cryst., vol. 39, 749-751, 2006.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Byeongdu Lee, Randall E. Winans and P. Thiyagarajan, “Effect of Dispersion of Inorganic Nanoparticles on the Phase Behavior of Block Copolymers in a Selective Solvent”, Macromolecules, vol. 39, 6318-6320, 2006.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Soenke Seifert, P. Thiyagarajan, and Balaji Narasimhan, “Effect of Polydispersity on the Phase Behavior of Semicrystalline Polymer Blends”, Macromol. Rapid Commun., vol. 26, 533-536, 2005.
Chieh-Tsung Lo and Balaji Narasimhan, “A New Kinetic Model for Interdiffusion at Semicrystalline Polymer Interfaces”, Polymer, vol. 46, 2266-2275, 2005.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Francis C. Laabs, and Balaji Narasimhan, “Interfacial Adhesion Mechanisms in Incompatible Semicrystalline Polymer Systems”, J. Polym. Sci. Polym, Phys. Ed., vol. 42, 2667-2679, 2004.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Soenke Seifert, P. Thiyagarajan, and Balaji Narasimhan, “Phase Behavior of Semicrystalline Polymer Blends”, Polymer, vol. 45, 3671-3679, 2004.
Chieh-Tsung Lo, Kan-Sen Chou, and Wei-Kuo Chin, “Effects of Mixing Procedures on the Volume Fraction of Silver Particles in Conductive Adhesives”, J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., vol. 15, 783-792, 2001.
Kan-Sen Chou, Jyh-Ching Tsai, and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “The Adsorption of Congo Red and Vacuum Pump Oil by Rice Hull Ash”, Bioresource Technol., vol. 78, 217-219, 2001.
B. 研討會論文
- Chia-Chen Wang, Chieh-Tsung Lo, “The Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on the Phase Behavior of Polymer Blends with Different Molecular Structures”, 中華民國高分子學會年會, 嘉義, 台灣, 1月, 2014。
- 張雅晴, 羅介聰, “水滑石/熱塑性聚氨酯奈米複合材料的製備與不同插層劑性質探討” , 中華民國高分子學會年會, 嘉義, 台灣, 1月, 2014。
- 彭譯德, 羅介聰, “以電紡絲法製備奈米碳纖維及其應用於鋰電池陽極材料之研究”, 中華民國高分子學會年會, 嘉義, 台灣, 1月, 2014。
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Shu-Chi Tsao, “Self-Assembly and Photoresponsive Behavior of Block Copolymer Containing Azobenzene Moieties”, 12th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-12)/21th International colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM21), Tsukuba, Japan, November, 2013.
- Ya-Ching Chang and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Synthesis and Characterization of the Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites”, The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November, 2013.
- Chia-Chen Wang and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Effect of Molecular Architecture on the Phase Behavior of Block Copolymer Blends”, The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November, 2013.
- Yi-Te Peng and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Preparation of electrospun carbon nanofibers and their application as anode material for lithium ion battery”, The 4th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials – Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials, Taipei, Taiwan, October, 2013.
- Chia-Chen Wang and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “The Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on the Phase Behavior of Polymer blends”, 2013年中華民國界面科學學會年會, 台北, 台灣, 7月, 2013。
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Shu-Chi Tsao, “The Photoresponsive Behavior and Aggregation State of Azobenzene-Containing Block Copolymer in a Solvent”, 33rd International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan, July, 2013.
- Ya-Hui Hsu and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Structure and Electrochemical Properties of Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers Prepared by PAN/PAN-co-PB Blends”, 2013中國化學會高雄分會年會暨十大基礎工業技術研討會, 台南, 台灣, 5月, 2013。
- Shu-Chi Tsao, Chun Lo, Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Self-Assembly of Azobenzene-Containing Diblock Copolymer”, 2013中國化學會高雄分會年會暨十大基礎工業技術研討會, 台南, 台灣, 5月, 2013。
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on the Phase Behavior of Block Copolymer/Graft Copolymer Blends”, 中華民國高分子學會年會, 嘉義, 台灣, 1月, 2013。(invited)
- 李銘軒, 羅介聰, “氫鍵作用力對於團聯共聚物/磁性奈米柱複合材料相行為的影響”, 中華民國高分子學會年會, 嘉義, 台灣, 1月, 2013。
- 許雅慧, 羅介聰, “添加PAN-co-PB共聚物對PAN電紡絲碳奈米纖維性質的影響”, 中華民國高分子學會年會, 嘉義, 台灣, 1月, 2013。
- 曹書綺, 羅介聰, “以原子轉移自由基聚合法合成含有偶氮苯單體之雙團聯共聚物”, 中華民國高分子學會年會, 嘉義, 台灣, 1月, 2013。
- 王嘉箴, 陳彥慈, 羅介聰, “氫鍵作用力對於團聯共聚物/接枝共聚物摻合物相行為的影響”, 中華民國高分子學會年會, 嘉義, 台灣, 1月, 2013。
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, Po-Yu Kuo, Kai-Hsiang Tsui, Wei-Ting Lin, “Self-Organization of Magnetic Nanorods in Polymer”, NSC/NTU/NIMS Workshop on Advanced Materials, Taipei, Taiwan, January, 2013. (invited)
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Yen-Tzu Chen, “Phase Behavior of Block Copolymer/Graft Copolymer Blends”, The 9th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC 2012), Kobe, Japan, December, 2012.
- Ming-Hsuan Li, Wei-Ting Lin, Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Phase behavior of block copolymer/magnetic nanorod composite”, 第14屆第二次中華民國界面科學學會年會暨論文發表會, 台南, 台灣, 9月, 2012。
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, Wei-Ting Lin, Ming-Hsuan Li, “Selective organization of magnetic nanorods in block copolymer”, International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists, Sendai, Japan, May, 2012.
- Yen-Tzu Chen and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Phase Behavior of Graft Copolymer/Block Copolymer Blends”, 第三十五屆高分子學術研討會, 中壢, 台灣, 1月, 2012。
- Pei-Chun Kuo and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Isothermal and Non-isothermal Crystallization of Poly(butylene oxlate)”, 第三十五屆高分子學術研討會, 中壢, 台灣, 1月, 2012。
- Mong-Wei Gao, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Yi-Hong Chiu, Jui-Hsiang Liu, “Effect of UV Illumination on the Morphology of Poly(methyl methacrylate)-block-poly((-)-cholesteryl-4-[4-(11-methacryloyloxy undecyloxy carbonyl) phenylazo] benzene)”, 第三十五屆高分子學術研討會, 中壢, 台灣, 1月, 2012。
- Chia-Ling Ho, Po-Yu Kuo, Bhupendra Singh, Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Iron Phosphide and Nickel Phosphide Nanorods”, 台灣化學工程學會58週年年會, 台南, 台灣, 11月, 2011。
- Ming-Hsuan Li, Wei-Ting Lin, Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Self-Assembly of Magnetic Nanorods in Block Copolymer”, The 4th Asian Conference on Colloid and Interface Science, Tainan, Taiwan, November, 2011.
- Chia-Ling Ho, Bhupendra Singh and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Nickel Phosphide and Bimetallic Iron-Nickel Phosphide Nanorods”, Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Workshop on Nano-Science, Tainan, Taiwan, November, 2011.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, “The Arrangement of Magnetic Nanorods in Polymer”, Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Workshop on Nano-Science, Tainan, Taiwan, November, 2011.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, Mong-Wei Gao, Po-Wei Chou, “The Ordering Behavior of Diblock Copolymer Containing Pendant Photosensitive Azobenzene Segments under UV Pretreatment”, IUPAC International Congress on Analytical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, May, 2011.
- Chuh-Yung Chen, Bing-Hung Chen, Cheng-Chien Wang, Sheng-Shu Hou, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Jeng-Shiung Jan, “Application of Carbon Nanocomposites for High Energy-Density and Long Cyclic-Life Lithium Battery”, The 8th Annual Taiwan-US Air Force Nanoscience Workshop, Seattle, USA, April, 2011.
- Wei-Ting Lin and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Arrangement of FeP Magnetic Nanorods in a Homopolymer”, 第三十四屆高分子學術研討會, 台中, 台灣, 1月, 2011。
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Kai-Hsiang Tsui, “Effect of Magnetization on the Arrangement of Fe2P Nanorods in Poly(2 vinylpyridine)”, AsiaNANO 2010, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2010.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and I-Chen Chiang, “Preparation of Biocompatible PHB/PHVB Fibers Using Electrospinning Technique”, 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Qingdao, China, September, 2010.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Chien-Chih Chang, “Effect of Particle Size on the Phase Behavior of Block Copolymer/Nanoparticle Composite Thin Film”, The 5th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings, Harbin, China, July, 2010.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Kai-Hsiang Tsui, “Self-organization of magnetic nanorods in a homopolymer matrix”, International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals 2010, Kyoto, Japan, July, 2010.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Kai-Hsiang Tsui, “The Arrangement of Magnetic Nanorods in Homopolymer”, 第六屆高分子物理研討會, 台南, 台灣, 3月, 2010。(invited)
- Nandho Rahmansyah and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Isothermal Crystallization of PEO/Silver Nanoplate Composites”, The First Annual Indonesian Scholars Conference in Taiwan, Tainan, Taiwan, March, 2010.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Self-Assembly of Inorganic Nanoparticles in a Block Copolymer Matrix”, The Fourth Taiwan-Japan Joint Conference on Neutron and X-ray Scattering, YiLan, Taiwan, March, 2010. (invited)
- Chien-Chih Chang and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Effect of ligand length on the structure of block copolymer/particle composite thin film”, 第三十三屆高分子學術研討會, 高雄, 台灣, 1月, 2010。
- 崔凱翔, 羅介聰, “磁性奈米柱/聚合物複合材料的製備與特性研究”, 第三十三屆高分子學術研討會, 高雄, 台灣, 1月, 2010。
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Po-Yu Kuo, “Controlled Synthesis of Fe2P Nanorods”, 2009台灣化學工程學會56週年年會, 台中, 台灣, 11月, 2009。
- Yi-Chen Chiang and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Preparation of Three Dimensional Scaffold for Tissue Engineering Using Electrospinning Technique”, 2009台灣化學工程學會56週年年會, 台中, 台灣, 11月, 2009。
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Po-Yu Kuo, “The Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Iron Phosphide Nanorods”, ICMAT&IUMRS-ICA 2009, Singapore, June, 2009.
- 趙俊榮, 郭柏佑, 羅介聰, “氧化鐵磁性奈米粒子對於高分子複合材料型態的影響及特性探討”, 中華民國高分子學會年會, 台北, 台灣, 1月, 2009。
- 張育誠, 羅介聰, 吳士齊, 李建良, “奈米粒子表面之界面活性劑長度對塊狀高分子/奈米粒子複合材料型態的影響”, 中華民國高分子學會年會, 台北, 台灣, 1月, 2009。
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Phase Behavior of Diblock Copolymer/Inorganic Nanoparticle Composites”, The 3rd TAIWAN - JAPAN Workshop on Neutron Scattering of Bio-materials and Soft-matters for Nanotechnology and Biotechnology, Kyoto, Japan, December, 2008. (invited)
- Eva Oktavia Ningrum and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Effect of Solvent Annealing on the Morphology of Polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinyl pyridine) Thin Film”, 2008 Taiwan/Korea/Japan ChE Conference and 55th TwIChE Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November, 2008.
- Po-Yu Kuo and Chieh-Tsung Lo, “Synthesis of Iron Phosphide Nanorods with Controlled Size”, 2008 Taiwan/Korea/Japan ChE Conference and 55th TwIChE Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November, 2008.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, Eva Oktavia Ningrum, Chun-Jung Chao, and Po-Yu Kuo, “Synthesis and Characterization of the Self-assembled Magnetic Particles/Diblock Copolymer Nanocomposites”, The 4th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings, Singapore, July, 2008.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, Byeongdu Lee, P. Thiyagarajan, and Randall E. Winans, “Controlled Ordering of Nanoparticles in Ordered Copolymer Matrices”, 2006 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, November, 2006.
- Nancy L. Dietz Rago, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Byeongdu Lee, Randall E. Winans, P. Thiyagarajan, “Self-Assembly of Diblock Copolymers/Au Nanoparticle Nanocomposites, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2006, Chicago, IL, USA, August, 2006.
- P. Thiyagarajan, Chieh-Tsung Lo, Byeongdu Lee, and Randall, E. Winans, “Phase Behavior of Nanoparticle/Diblock Copolymer Composites”, The 2006 Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July, 2006.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, P. Thiyagarajan, Byeongdu Lee, and Randall E. Winans, “Phase Behavior of Nanoparticle/Diblock Copolymer Nanocomposites in a Selective Solvent”, XIII International Conference on Small-angle Scattering, Kyoto, Japan, July, 2006.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, P. Thiyagarajan, Byeongdu Lee, and Randall E. Winans, “Self-Assembly of Nanoparticle/Diblock Copolymer Complexes in a Selective Solvent”, American Conference on Neutron Scattering, St. Charles, IL, USA, June, 2006.
- Michael D. Determan, Chieh-Tsung Lo, P. Thiyagarajan, and Surya. K. Mallapragada, “Self-Assembly of Temperature and pH-Responsive Pentablock Copolymers”, The 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, August, 2005.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Balaji Narasimhan, “A New Kinetic Model for Interdiffusion at Semicrystalline Polymer Interfaces”, Annual AIChE Meeting, Austin, TX, USA, November, 2004.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo, Francis C. Laabs, and Balaji Narasimhan, “Effect of Crystallization and Interdiffusion on the Interfacial Adhesion between Semicrystalline Polymers”, Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, November, 2003.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Balaji Narasimhan, “Phase Behavior and Interfacial Adhesion between Incompatible Semicrystalline Polymers”, Larson-Ruth Symposium, Ames, IA, USA, April, 2003.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Balaji Narasimhan, “Phase Behavior and Interfacial Adhesion between Incompatible Semicrystalline Polymers”, Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, November, 2002.
- Chieh-Tsung Lo and Kan-Sen Chou, “The Study of the Effects of Mixing Process on the Critical Volume Fraction of Conducting Adhesives”, Annual Conf. Chem. Eng., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November, 1999.