
許蘇文 (Su-Wen Hsu) 副教授



NCKU Research: https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/en/persons/su-wen-hsu

個人CV :


  • 美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校 材料科學與工程 博士(2009年9月~2014年12月) 
  • 國立成功大學 化工 碩士(2002年9月~2004年6月)
  • 國立成功大學 化工 學士(1998年9月~2002年6月)


  • 國立成功大學 副教授 (2023年08月~ )
  • 國立成功大學 助理教授 (2019年08月~2023年7月 )
  • 美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校 奈米工程 博士後研究 (2016年3月~2019年7月)
  • 美國加州大學柏克立分校 材料科學與工程 博士後研究 (2015年3月~2016年2月)
  • 南亞塑膠 研發工程師 (國防役) (2004年10月~2009年7月)




  • 108學年 - 上學期, 化工系 2乙 物理化學(一)//材料科學/化工概論
  • 108學年 - 下學期, 化工系 奈米材料與合成技術
  • 109學年 - 上學期, 化工系 2乙 物理化學(一)/高等熱力/材料科學/化工概論
  • 109學年 - 下學期, 化工系 奈米材料與合成技術
  • 110學年 - 上學期, 化工系 2乙 物理化學(一)/高等熱力/材料科學/專題討論
  • 110學年 - 下學期, 化工系 奈米材料與合成技術/專題討論
  • 111學年 - 上學期, 化工系 2乙 物理化學(一)/高等熱力/材料科學/專題討論
  • 111學年 - 下學期, 化工系 奈米材料與合成技術/專題討論/再生能源/二氧化碳再利用技術
  • 112學年 - 上學期, 化工系 2乙 物理化學(一)/高等熱力/材料科學/專題討論
  • 112學年 - 下學期, 化工系 奈米材料與合成技術/專題討論/再生能源/二氧化碳再利用技術
  • 113學年 - 上學期, 化工系 2乙 物理化學(一)/高等熱力/材料科學/專題討論


  1. Fang-Chih Liu, Yu-Hsun Liao and Su-Wen Hsu*. “Fabrication of one-dimensional nanostructures standing vertically on a substrate through layer-by-layer deposition.” Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 17353-17364.
  2. Chieh-Yu Lai, Yen-Teng Chen, Su-Wen Hsu*. “Metal–Organic Framework-Ag Nanocomposites as Photocatalysts and in Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Sensors to Study the Mechanisms of CO2 Reduction Reactions.” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2024, 7, 20, 24224–24234.
  3. Ming-Shiuan Huang and Su-Wen Hsu*. “Synthesis of highly heterogeneous Pt-Ag nanocrystals for catalytic and photocatalytic applications.” Journal of Catalysis, 2024, 115498.
  4. Gang-Yi Chen, Fang-Chih Liu, and Su-Wen Hsu. “Metal Dimer Nanojunctions- Magnetic Materials Composites for Magnetic Field Sensing”. Material Horizontal, 2024, 11, 442-453.
  5. Chih-Wu Chiang, Chieh-Yu Lai and Su-Wen Hsu. “Synthesis of three-component Cu2O/ZnO/Ag nanocrystal heterogeneous photocatalysts with high reactivity and stability for dye reduction” J. Mater. Chem. A, 202311, 24114 - 24126.
  6. Ming-Shiuan Huang‡, Hsien-Tai Cheng‡ and Su-Wen Hsu*. “Effect of Morphologies and Compositions of Silver-Based Multicomponent Heterogeneous Nanocrystals on the Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol.” Nanoscale Advances, 2023, 5, 4968-4978
  7. Wen-Yu Liao‡, Shih-Lun Peng‡, Gang-Yi Chen, and Su-Wen Hsu*Plasmon-modulated Photoluminescence Mechanisms in Plasmonic Nanojunctions Composites” Applied Surface Science, 2023, 639, 158233.
  8. Jian-Jia Liu, Zhi-Wu Jiang, Su-Wen Hsu*.” Investigation of the Performance of Heterogeneous MOF-Silver Nanocube Nanocomposites as CO2 Reduction Photocatalysts by In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15, 5, 6716–6725.
  9. Shih-Lun Peng, Gang-Yi Chen, Su-Wen Hsu*. "Silver Nanocube Dimer Nanojunctions as Plasmon-Enhanced Raman Sensors". Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2022, 10 (43), 16573-16582.
  10. Hsien-Tai Cheng, Ming-Shiuan Huang, Su-Wen Hsu*. "Combination of Plasmon-Mediated Photochemistry and Seed-Mediated Methods for Synthesis of Bicomponent Nanocrystals". ACS omega, 7, 34, 30622-30631.
  11. Wen-Yu Liao, Jyue-Rong Huang, Su-Wen Hsu*, “Fabrication of a Large-Scale Plasmonic Nanojunction for Chemical Sensing” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5, 5722-5732.
  12. Shih‐Lun Peng, Gang‐Yi Chen, Su‐Wen Hsu*,” Tuning the Optical and Electrical Properties of Polymer‐Based Nanocomposites by Plasmon‐Induced Electromagnetic Field” Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022, 9, 2200089.
  13. Wei-Liang Jhang, Ming-Shiuan Huang, Su-Wen Hsu*, “Unsymmetrical Heterogeneous Au–Ag Nanocrystals as Catalysts, Sensors, and Drug Carriers”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021, 4, 10011-10017.
  14. Haoliang Qian, Shilong Li, Su-Wen Hsu, Ching-Fu Chen, Fanglin Tian, Andrea R Tao, Zhaowei Liu., " Highly-efficient electrically-driven localized surface plasmon source enabled by resonant inelastic electron tunneling" Nature communications, 2021, 12, 1-7.
  15. Jhang W.-L., Li C.-J., Wang, A.-S., Liu C.-W., and Hsu, S.-W*., “Tunable Optical Property of Plasmonic–Polymer Nanocomposites Composed of Multilayer Nanocrystal Arrays Stacked in a Homogeneous Polymer Matrix, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2020, 12, 46, 51873-51884.
  16. J. Wang, S-W Hsu, N. Gonzalez‐Pech, A. Jhunjhunwala, F. Chen, A. Hariri, V. Grassian, A.Tao, and J. Jokerst, “Copper Sulfide Nanodisks and Nanoprisms for Photoacoustic Ovarian Tumor Imaging” 2019, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 190017.
  17. S-W. Hsu, and T. Xu, “Tailoring Co-assembly of Nanodiscs and Block Copolymer-Based Supramolecules by Manipulating Interparticle Interactions” Macromolecules, 2019, 52, 7, 2833-2842
  18.  H. Qian, S-W. Hsu, K. Gurunatha, C. T. Riley, J. Zhao, D. Lu, A. R. Tao, and Z. Liu, “Efficient light generation from enhanced inelastic electron tunneling” Nature Photonics, 2018, 12, 485–488. (‡These authors contributed equally to this work.)
  19. S-W. Hsu, and A. R. Tao, “Halide-Directed Synthesis of Square Prismatic Ag Nanocrystals by the Polyol Method” Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30 (14), 4617-4623.
  20. S-W. Hsu, A. L. Rodarte, M. Som, G. Arya, and A. R. Tao, “Colloidal Plasmonic Nanocomposites: From Fabrication to Optical Function” Chemical reviews, 2018, 118 (6), 3100-3120.
  21. S-W. Hsu, Y. Long, A G Subramanian, and A. R. Tao, “Directed assembly of metal nanoparticles in polymer bilayers” Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 2018, 3 (2), 390-396.
  22. B. C. Marin, S.-W. Hsu, L. Chen, A. Lo, D. W. Zwissler, Z.W. Liu, and A. R. Tao, “Plasmon-Enhanced Two-Photon Absorption in Photoluminescent Semiconductor Nanocrystals” ACS Photonics, 2016, 3 (4), 526-531 (‡These authors contributed equally to this work.)
  23. S-W. Hsu, C. Ngo, W. Bryks, and A. R. Tao, “Shape Focusing During the Anisotropic Growth of CuS Triangular Nanoprisms” Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27 (14), pp 4957–4963.
  24. S-W. Hsu, C. Ngo, and A. R. Tao, “Tunable and Directional Plasmonic Coupling within Semiconductor Nanodisk Assemblies” Nano Lett., 2014, 14 (5), pp 2372–2380.
  25. W. Bryks, M. Wette, N. Velez, S.-W. Hsu, and Andrea R. Tao “Supramolecular Precursors for the Synthesis of Anisotropic Cu2S Nanocrystals” Journal of the American Chemical society, 136, 17, 6175–6178, 2014.
  26. S.-W. Hsu, W. Bryks, and A.R. Tao. “The Effects of Carrier Density and Shape on the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances of Cu2-xS Nanodisks”, Chemistry of Materials, 24, 3765-3771, 2012
  27. S.-W. Hsu, K. On, and A.R. Tao. “Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Anisotropic Semiconductor Nanocrystals”, Journal of the American Chemical society, 133, 47, 19072-19075, 2011.
  28. S.-W. Hsu, K. On, B. Gao and A.R. Tao. “ Polyelectrolyte-Templated Synthesis of Bimetallic Nanoparticles”, Langmuir, 27, 13, 8494-8499, 2011.
  29. H.-J. Hwang, S.-W. Hsu, C.-S. Wang “Low Dielectric and Flame-Retardant Properties of Thermosetting Redistributed Poly(phenylene oxide)”,  Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, 15, 1, 54-59, 2009.
  30. H.-J. Hwang, S.-W. Hsu, C.-L. Chung, C.-S. Wang “Low dielectric epoxy resins from dicyclopentadiene-containing poly (phenylene oxide) novolac cured with dicyclopentadiene containing epoxy”, Reactive & Functional Polymers, 68, 1185-1193, 2008.
  31. H.-J. Hwang, S.-W. Hsu, C.-S. Wang “Low Dielectric Thermoset from Redistributed Poly (phenylene oxide)”, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 45, 12, 1049-1056, 2008.
  32. H.-J. Hwang, S.-W. Hsu, C.-S. Wang “Synthesis and physical properties of low-molecular-weight redistributed poly (2, 6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) for epoxy resin”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 110, 1880-1890, 2008. 



1. H. Qian, S-W. Hsu, K. Gurunatha, J. Zhao, C. T. Riley, D. Lu, A. R. Tao, Z. Liu, “Investigation of the light generation from crystalline Ag-cubes based metal-insulator-metal tunnel junctions” Optical Society of America, CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science FM3H. 7. (2017)

2. J. Wang, S-W. Hsu, A. R. Tao, J. V. Jokerst, “Copper sulfide nanodisk as photoacoustic contrast agent for ovarian tumor detection” Proc. of SPIE Vol 100642D-1. (2017)

3. S-W. Hsu, C. Ngo, and A.R. Tao. “Semiconductor Nanocrystals with Tunable Plasmonic Properties” 2013 Material Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit, December 03, 2013, Boston, MA. (Graduate Student Award talk)

4. S-W. Hsu, C. Ngo, and A.R. Tao. “Semiconductor Nanocrystals with Tunable Plasmonic Properties” 2013 Material Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit, December 02, 2013, Boston, MA.

5. S-W. Hsu, C. Ngo, and A.R. Tao. “Controlling the Shape of Copper Sulfide Nanocrystals” 2013 Material Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit, December 03, 2013, Boston, MA.

6. S-W. Hsu, W. Bryks., and A.R. Tao. “Self-Assembly of Plasmonic Semiconductor Nanodisks” UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering 32nd Annual Research Expo, April 18, 2013, San Diego, CA.

7. S-W. Hsu, K. On., and A.R. Tao. “The Shape-dependent localized surface plasmon resonances of Cu2-xS nanodisks” UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering 31nd Annual Research Expo, April 12, 2012, San Diego, CA.

8. S-W. Hsu, K. On., and A.R. Tao. “The Shape-Dependent Surface Plasmon Resonances of Cu2-xS Nanodisks” 243rd Americal Chemical Society Meeting, March 27, 2012, San Diego, CA.

9. S-W. Hsu, K. On, B. Gao, and A.R. Tao. “Polyelectrolyte-Templated Galvanic Deposition for Bimetallic Nanoparticles” UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering 30nd Annual Research Expo, April 4, 2011, San Diego, CA.


新進學生: 謝孟家/張祐翔

碩一: 葉晉杰, 謝乃雯, 周慧慈, 羅立凱   

碩二: 陳彥騰, 陳冠宏, 廖昱勛, 陸映辰 

已畢業學生 : 張煒良(2020),

                    劉建嘉, 程顯泰, 彭士倫(2021),

                    廖文宇, 姜智武, 陳綱翌(2022)   

                    黃明璿,劉芳志, 賴頡宇 (2023)




Material Research Society Graduate Student Silver Award, Fall Meeting 2013 

Material Research Society Best Poster Award, Fall Meeting 2013 

The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of Republic of China, 2004 


1. 國科會專題研究計畫" 於高分子基質上合成大尺寸非均質奈米晶體用於催化與感測" (112/8/1 - 115/7/31)

2. 科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫 "製備大尺寸電漿子二聚體奈米連接體作為化學與生物材料感測器" (109/8/1 - 112/7/31)

3. 科技部專題研究計畫 "電漿子奈米複合材料作為光伏打元件中寬頻帶吸收體" (108/9/1 - 111/7/31)



Nature communication 

Angewandte Chemie


Journal of Catalyst

ACS Omega



Journal of Nanotechnology (Invitation as guest editor for special issue on “Metallic Nanoparticle”)