- University of Texas at Dallas 化學 博士自2008/01至2010/05
- University of Texas at Dallas 化學 碩士自2005/09至2007/12
- 國立清華大學 化學 學士自1999/09至2003/06
邱繼正 (Chi-Cheng Chiu) 教授
NCKU Research: https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/en/persons/chi-cheng-chiu

- 國立成功大學 / 化學工程學系 / 助理教授 自2014 / 2 至 --- / ---
- Agronne National Laboratory / Materials Science Division / Postdoctoral Apointee 自2013 / 1 至2013 / 12
- University of Chicago / Institute for Molecular Engineering / Postdoctoral Researcher 自2012 / 9 至2013 / 1
- University of Wisconsin-Madison / Chemical and Biological Engineering Department / Postdoctoral Researcher 自2010 / 6 至2012 / 8
- 研究所-102(2) 分子模擬
- 大學部-102(2) 生物化學
- Buchanan, L.E., E.B. Dunkelberger, H.Q. Tran, P.-N. Cheng, C.-c. Chiu, P. Cao, D.P. Raleigh, J.J. de Pablo, J.S. Nowick, and M.T. Zanni,* (2013) “Mechanism of IAPP amyloid fibril formation involves an intermediate with a transient β-sheet,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 110, 19285 – 19290. (SCI)
- Chiu, C.-c.; Singh, S.; de Pablo, J. J.* (2013) “Effect of Proline Mutations in Pramlintide on the Monomer Conformations of Amylin” Biophys. J., 105, 1227 – 1235. (SCI)
- Singh, S.; Chiu, C.-c.; Reddy, A. S.; de Pablo, J. J.* (2013) “α-Helix to β-Hairpin Transition of Human Amylin Monomer” J. Chem. Phys., 138, 155101. (SCI)
- Singh, S.; Chiu, C.-c.; de Pablo, J. J.* (2012) “Efficient free energy calculation of biomolecules from diffusion-biased molecular dynamics” J. Chem. Theory Comput., 8, 4657 – 4662. (SCI)
- Middleton, C. T.; Marek, P.; Cao, P.; Chiu, C.-c.; Singh, S.; Woys, A. M.; de Pablo, J. J.; Raleigh D. P.; Zanni, M. T.* (2012) “Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy reveals the complex behaviour of an amyloid fibril inhibitor” Nat. Chem., 4, 355 – 360. (SCI)
- Woys, A. M.; Almeida, A. M.; Wang, L.; Chiu, C.-c.; McGovern, M.; de Pablo, J. J.; Skinner, J. L.; Gellman, S. H.; Zanni M. T.* (2012) “Parallel β-sheet vibrational couplings revealed by 2D IR spectroscopy of an isotopically labeled macrocycle: quantitative benchmark for the interpretation of amyloid and protein infrared spectra” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 19118 – 19128. (SCI)
- Chiu, C.-c.; Shinoda, W.; DeVane, R.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2012) “Effects of spherical fullerene nanoparticles on a dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine lipid monolayer: a coarse grain molecular dynamics approach” Soft Matter, 8, 9610 – 9616. (SCI)
- Chiu, C.-c.; DeVane, R. H.; Klein, M. L.; Shinoda, W.; Moore, P. B.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2012) “Effect of carboxylation on carbon nanotube aqueous dispersibility: a predictive coarse-grained molecular dynamics approach” J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, 23102 – 23106. (SCI)
- Singh, S.; Chiu, C.-c.; de Pablo, J. J.* (2011) “Flux tempered metadynamics” J. Stat. Phys., 145, 932 – 945. (SCI)
- Chiu, C.-c.; Dieckmann, G. R.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2010) “Molecular dynamics study of a carbon nanotube-binding reversible cyclic peptide” ACS Nano, 4, 2539 – 2546. (SCI)
- DeVane, R.*; Klein, M. L.; Chiu, C.-c.; Nielsen, S. O.; Shinoda, W.; Moore, P. B. (2010) “Coarse-grained potential models for phenyl based molecules: I. parameterization using experimental data” J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 6386 – 6293. (SCI)
- Chiu, C.-c.; DeVane, R.; Klein, M. L.; Shinoda, W.; Moore, P. B.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2010) “Coarse-grained potential models for phenyl based molecules: II. application to fullerenes” J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 6394 – 6400. (SCI)
- DeVane, R.*; Jusufi, A.; Shinoda, W.; Chiu, C.-c.; Nielsen, S. O.; Moore, P. B.; Klein, M. L. (2010) “Parameterization and application of a coarse grained force field for benzene/fullerene interactions with lipids” J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 16364 – 16372. (SCI)
- Chiu, C.-c.; Ranatunga, U.; Torres Flores, D.; Perez, V.; Moore, P. B.; Shinoda, W.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2010) “A mean field approach for computing solid-liquid surface tension for nanoscale interfaces” J. Chem. Phys., 132, 054706. (SCI)
- Ranatunga, U.; Kalescky R. J. B.; Chiu, C.-c.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2010) “Molecular dynamics simulations of surfactant functionalized nanoparticles in the vicinity of an Oil/Water interface” J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 12151 – 12157. (SCI)
- Chiu, C.-c.; Moore, P. B.; Shinoda, W.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2009) “Size-dependent hydrophobic to hydrophilic transition for nanoparticles: a molecular dynamics study” J. Chem. Phys., 131, 244706. (SCI)
- Chiu, C.-c.; Dieckmann, G. R.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2009) “Role of peptide-peptide interactions in stabilizing peptide-wrapped single-walled carbon nanotubes: a molecular dynamics study.” Biopolymers, 92, 156 – 163. (SCI)
- Vazquez, U. O. M.; Shinoda, W.; Moore, P. B.; Chiu, C.-c.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2008) “Calculating the surface tension between a at solid and a liquid: a theoretical and computer simulation study of three topologically different methods.” J. Math. Chem., 45, 161 – 174. (SCI)
- Chiu, C.-c.; Dieckmann, G. R.; Nielsen, S. O.* (2008) “Molecular dynamics study of a nanotube-binding amphiphilic helical peptide at different water/hydrophobic interfaces.” J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 16326 – 16333. (SCI)
國際學術學會會員(Professional Societies):
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- 2Biophysical Society (BPS)
- American Physical Society (APS), Division of Polymer Physics (DPOLY)
國際期刊之論文審查(Journal Referee):
- Journal of Chemical Physics
- Journal of Molecular Modeling
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B
- Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation