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Applications of Single Atom Catalysts for Electrochemical Energy Storage
呂世源 教授
摘要 :
Electrochemical energy storage, critical for resolving the unreliable and intermittent issues of the future renewable energy dominated electricity generation, plays a key role in achieving the goal of net-zero emission by 2050. Water electrolysis for hydrogen production and zinc-air battery are two important electrochemical energy storage technologies. Developments of cost-effective highly efficient and stable electrocatalysts for the fundamental electrochemical reactions involved in water electrolysis (hydrogen evolution reaction and oxygen evolution reaction) and zinc-air battery (oxygen reduction reaction and oxygen evolution reaction) are critical for their large scale applications. Single atom catalysts, because of their high utilization efficiency and intrinsic activities, become the focal materials for catalyst developments in recent years. This presentation illustrates applications of single atom catalysts for enhancement of electrochemical performances of water electrolysis and zinc-air battery.
學經歷 :
1980~1983, BS, Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
1984~1988, PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA
Current Positions:
Tsing Hua Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University (2017.8~present) Consulting Editor, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Engr. (2018.7~present)
Editor, Adv. Powder Technol. (2013.1~present)
Chairman, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University (2007.8~2010.7)
Associate Dean, College of Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University (2012.8~2015.7)
Editor-in-Chief, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Engr. (2015.7~2018.6)