- 國立台灣大學 化學工程學所 博士 (94.09-99.06)
- 國立台灣大學 化學工程學所 碩士 (92.09-94.06)
- 國立成功大學 化學工程學系 學士 (88.09-92.06)
林家裕 (Chia-Yu Lin) 教授
NCKU Research: https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/en/persons/chia-yu-lin

- 國立成功大學化學工程系 教授 (111.08-present)
- 國立成功大學化學工程系 副教授 (107.02-111.07)
- 國立成功大學化學工程系 助理教授 (102.08-107.01)
- 英國劍橋大學化學系 博士後研究員 (100.09-102.07)
- Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology visiting scholar (2007.06-2007-07; 2008.03-2008.07)
- 人工光合作用
- 化學工程(一)
- 工程數學(一)
- 化學感測器概論
- 工業電化學
Selected Publication
- P. Ong, S.-C. Huang, C.-Y. Lin*, N. Lerkkasemsan*, Efficient and selective electrosynthesis of 4-aminophenol at circumneutral pH from the electrocatalytic reduction of nitrophenol over the nickel-iron phosphide modified electrode, Materials Today Sustain., 24 (2023) 100547. (IF: 7.8, Rank in MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY: 72/342)
- Y.-J. Liao, S.-C. Huang, C.-Y. Lin*, Selective electrosynthesis of platform chemicals from the electrocatalytic reforming of biomass-derived hexanediol, Faraday Discuss., 247 (2023) 155-167. (IF: 3.4, Rank in CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL: 84/161)
- T.-H. Wang, C.-Y. Lin*, Y.-C. Huang, C.-Y. Li, “Facile electrosynthesis of polyaniline| gold nanoparticle core-shell nanofiber for efficient electrocatalytic CO2 reduction,” Electrochim. Acta, 437 (2023) 141500. (IF: 6.6, Rank in ELECTROCHEMISTRY: 8/30)
- S.-C. Huang, Z.-X. You, S.-M. Jhang, C.-Y. Lin*, “Facile electrochemical preparation of NiFeP submicron-spheres as an efficient electrocatalyst for the electrochemical hydrogenation of 4-nitrophenol at neutral pH,” J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 10 (2022) 108882. (IF: 7.7, Rank in ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL: 16/140)
- T.-R. Ko, C.-Y. Lin*, Y.-H. Lai*, “Facile preparation of functionalized and oxygen-deficient V2O5 nanosheets electrode as a versatile platform for biomimetic- and photoelectro-catalysis,” Chem. Eng. J., 433 (2022) 133607. (IF: 15.1, Rank in ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL: 5/140)
- S.-Y. Lin, C.-Y. Lin*, “Electrochemically-functionalized CNT/ABTS nanozyme enabling sensitive and selective voltammetric detection of microalbuminuria,” Anal. Chim. Acta, 1197 (2022) 339517. (IF: 6.2, Rank in CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL: 8/86)
- C.-Y. Lin*, S.-C. Huang, Y.-G. Lin, L.-C. Hsu, C.-T. Yi, “Electrosynthesized Ni-P nanospheres with high activity and selectivity towards photoelectrochemical plastics reforming,” Appl. Catal. B- Environ., 296 (2021) 120351. (IF: 24.319, Rank in ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL: 1/54)
- T.-R. Ko, Y.-C. Chueh, Y.-H. Lai*, C.-Y. Lin*, “Simultaneous enhancement in charge separation and interfacial charge transfer of BiVO4 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water oxidation,” J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng., 111 (2020) 80-89. (IF: 5.7, Rank in ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL: 25/142)
- S.-C. Huang, C.-C. Cheng, Y.-H. Lai*, C.-Y. Lin*, “Sustainable and selective formic acid production from photoelectrochemical methanol reforming at near-neutral pH using nanoporous nickel-iron oxyhydroxide-borate as the electrocatalyst,” Chem. Eng. J., 395 (2020) 125176. (IF: 15.1, Rank in ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL: 5/140)
- D.-S. Ciou, P.-H. Wu, Y.-C. Huang, M.-C. Yang, S.-Y. Lee, C.-Y. Lin*, “Colorimetric and amperometric detection of urine creatinine based on the ABTS radical cation modified electrode,” Sens. Actuators B-Chem., 314 (2020) 128034. (IF: 8.4, Rank in chemistry, analytical: 5/86) (Outstanding paper award by Taiwanese Association of Chemical Sensors 2020)
- C.-Y. Lin*, S.-Y. Lin, M.-C. Tsai, C.-H. Wu, “Facile room-temperature growth of nanostructured CuBi2O4 for selective electrochemical reforming and photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution reactions,” Sustainable Energy Fuels, 4 (2020) 625-632. (IF: 5.6, Rank in MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY: 104/344)
- S.-H. Huang, C.-Y. Lin*, “Electrosynthesis, activation, and applications of nickel-iron oxyhydroxide in (photo-) electrochemical water splitting at near neutral condition,” Electrochim. Acta, 321 (2019) 134667. (IF: 6.6, Rank in ELECTROCHEMISTRY: 8/30)
- Y.-C. Lin, L.-C. Hsu, C.-Y. Lin, C.-L. Chiang, C.-M. Chou, W.-W. Wu, S.-Y. Chen*, Y.-G. Lin, “Sandwich-Nanostructured n-Cu2O/AuAg/p-Cu2O Photocathode with Highly Positive Onset Potential for Improved Water Reduction,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11 (2019) 38625-38632. (IF: 9.5, Rank in MATERIALS SCIENCE, Multidisciplinary: 55/344)
- W.-H. Huang, C.-Y. Lin*, “Iron phosphate modified calcium iron oxide as an efficient and robust catalyst in electrocatalyzing oxygen evolution from seawater,” Faraday Discuss., 215 (2019) 205-215. (IF: 3.4, Rank in CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL: 84/161)
- Thi Hai Van Nguyen, C.-H Wu, S.-Y Lin, C.-Y. Lin*, “CoOx nanoparticles modified CuBi2O4 submicron-sized square columns as a sensitive and selective sensing material for amperometric detection of glucose,” J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng., 95 (2019) 241-251. (IF: 5.7, Rank in ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL: 25/142)
- H.-C Chiu, W.-H. Huang, L.-C. Hsu, Y.-G. Lin, Y.-H. Lai, C.-Y. Lin*, “Calcium containing iron oxide as an efficient and robust catalyst in (photo-)electrocatalytic water oxidation at neutral pH,” Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2, 271-279. (IF: 5.6, Rank in MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY: 104/344)
- C.-Y. Lin*, Y.-C. Chueh, C.-H. Wu, “A pulse electrosynthesized nanoporous nickel oxyhydroxide-borate thin film in electro- and photoelectro-reforming of methanol for selective production of formate,” Chem. Commun., 53, 7345-7348. (IF: 4.9, Rank in CHEMISTRY, Multidisciplinary: 60/178) (2017 ChemComm Emerging Investigators Issue)
- C.-H. Wu, E. Onno, C.-Y. Lin*, “CuO nanoparticles decorated nano-dendrite-structured CuBi2O4 for highly sensitive and selective electrochemical detection of glucose,” Electrochim. Acta, 229, 129-140. (IF: 6.6, Rank in ELECTROCHEMISTRY: 8/30) (Outstanding paper award by Taiwanese Association of Chemical Sensors 2017)
- C.-T. Chang and C.-Y. Lin*, “Electrochemical reduction of hydrogen peroxide by nanostructured hematite modified electrodes,” RSC Adv., 6, 67428-67434. (IF: 3.9, Rank in CHEMISTRY, Multidisciplinary: 744/178)
- C.-Y. Lin* and C.-T. Chang, “Iron oxide nanorods array in electrochemical detection of H2O2,” Sens. Actuators B-Chem., 220, 695-704. (IF: 8.4, Rank in chemistry, analytical: 5/86)
- J.-S. Yang, W.-H. Lin, C.-Y. Lin, B.-S. Wang, J.-J. Wu*, “n-Fe2O3 to N+-TiO2 Heterojunction Photoanode for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7 (2015) 13314-13321. (IF: 9.5, Rank in MATERIALS SCIENCE, Multidisciplinary: 55/344)
- C.-Y. Lin, D. Mersch, D. A. Jefferson, E. Reisner*, “Cobalt sulphide microtube array as cathode in photoelectrochemical water splitting with photoanodes,” Chem. Sci., 5 (2014) 4906-4913. (IF: 8.4, Rank in CHEMISTRY, Multidisciplinary: 32/178)
- L. Zhang*, C.-Y. Lin, V. K. Valev, E. Reisner*, U. Steiner, J. J. Baumberg*, “Plasmonic Enhancement in BiVO4 Photonic Crystals for Efficient Water Splitting,” Small, 10 (2014) 3970-3978. (IF: 13.3, Rank in MATERIALS SCIENCE, Multidisciplinary: 29/344)
- 李順裕*、陳儒逸、謝孟達、林家裕、林於縉、邱鼎翔,微型化暨智慧型之尿液感測系統,中華民國專利,發明第I711822號,專利期間:2020/12/1~2039/10/17。
- Shuenn-Yuh Lee*, Ju-Yi Chen, Meng-Dar Shieh, Chia-Yu Lin, Yu-Jin Lin, Ding-Siang Ciou, Miniature and Intelligent Urine Sensing System, US patent, Patent no. US 11,478,176 B2.
- 林家裕*、林書宇、賴怡璇、黃詩晴、王子軒、柯婷容,經修飾之電極及其製備方法與用途,中華民國專利,發明第I805301號,專利期間:2023/6/11~2042/3/30。
- Chia-Yu Lin*, Shu-Yu Lin, Yi-Hsuan Lai, Shih-Ching Huang, Tzu-Hsuan Wang, Ting-Rong Ko, Modified electrode, manufacturing method thereof and use thereof, US Patent, Patent no. US 11,828,754 B2.
- 林家裕*、蘇家陞、顏嘉慧、黃詩晴、盧唯芯,鉍基修飾電極及其製備方法與用途,中華民國專利核准(領證中)。
- Chia-Yu Lin*, Jia-Sheng Su, Chia-Hui Yen, Shih-Ching Huang, Wei-Hsin Lu, Bismuth electrode, manufacturing method thereof and use thereof, US Patent, Application no. 17/934541.(pending)
- 2018/12/13~12/15 Future Technology press, FUTEX-Best Popularity Award and Best Breakthrough of Future Technology Award
- 2019/8/28 LITE-ON AWARD 2019 -Merit Award "Portable and Wireless Urine Detection System and Platform for Prevention and Monitoring of Chronic Kidney Disease"
- 黃詩晴,電化學合成之鎳基雙性觸媒於中性環境下電催化水分解應用,108年度科林論文獎(領域別:奈米與物理化學材料科技)。
- 邱鼎翔,臺灣化學感測器科技協會 2020年學術獎章-『傑出論文獎』
- 黃詩晴,國科會補助大學校院培育優秀博士生獎學金(2020-2024)
- Shih-Ching Huang, and Chia-Yu Lin*, 16-17 July 2020, Nanoporous nickel-iron oxyhydroxide: Electrosynthesis, activation, and applications towards photoelectrochemical water oxidation," the 38th Taiwan Symposium of Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, Taipei City, Taiwan. (Silver Award for Oral Presentation)
- Shih-Ching Huang and Chia-Yu Lin*, 8 September 2021, Electrosynthesized Ni-P nanospheres with high activity and selectivity towards photoelectrochemical plastics reforming," Outstanding Award in the NCKU Grand Review and Competition for PhD Student Research.
- Shih-Ching Huang, Yan-Gu Lin*, and Chia-Yu Lin*, 28-30 June 2023, Development of NiFePx electrocatalysts for efficient overall (photo-) electrochemical seawater splitting, the 2023 Taiwan International Conference on Catalysis, Tainan City, Taiwan. (Outstanding Oral presentation)
- Papontee Sae Ong, Shih-Ching Huang, Nuttapol Lerkkasemsan, and Chia-Yu Lin*, 28-30 June 2023, Efficient and selective electrosynthesis of 4-aminophenol at neutral pH based on NiFeP electrode, the 2023 Taiwan International Conference on Catalysis, Tainan City, Taiwan. (Honorable Poster Award)
第19屆國家創新獎 (前期慢性腎臟病監測之定點照護尿液檢測系統;李順裕老師研究團隊成員)
- Organizing committee and session chair of the International Workshop on Advanced Chemical Technology, Tainan City, Taiwan, 15-17, August, 2018.
- Organizing committee of the TVS 2018 Annual symposium, Chia-Yi County, Taiwan, 2 November, 2018.
- Organizing committee and session chair of the 65th TwIChE Annual meeting, Yun-lin County, Taiwan, 9-10 November, 2018.
- Organizing committee and session chair of the 10th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 24-27 November, 2019.
- Organizing committee and session chair of the 2020 International Conference on Green Electrochemical Technologies, Taichung City, Taiwan, 26-28 November, 2020.
- Organizing committee of the 2023 Taiwan International Conference on Catalysis, Tainan City, Taiwan, 28-30 June, 2023.