

Detection and modulation of islet amyloid formation in type 2 diabetes

杜玲嫻 教授

時間:2022年04月08日 (五) 15:10
講者:杜玲嫻 教授
服務單位:國立台灣師範大學 化學系
講題:Detection and modulation of islet amyloid formation in type 2 diabetes

摘要 :

The fibrinous deposit of proteins or polypeptides is an important hallmark of amyloidosis. Self-assembly of amyloidogenic proteins or polypeptides was found to largely damage the nearby cells and lead to degeneration of the tissues and organs. In this talk, we will discuss the strategies that are used to detect and modulate a hormone polypeptide (human islet amyloid polypeptide) which is co-secreted with insulin from pancreatic β-cells but aggregates in the pancreatic islets. The aggregation of islet amyloid polypeptide is therefore considered closely associated with the pathology of type 2 diabetes.

學經歷 :

紐約州立大學石溪分校    化學系博士    200808 ~ 201408
國立台灣師範大學          化學系碩士    200309 ~ 200507
國立台灣師範大學          化學系學士    199909 ~ 200307

國立臺灣師範大學          化學系副教授    202102 ~ present
國立臺灣師範大學          化學系助理教授    201608 ~ 202102
中央研究院基因體中心    博士後研究學者    201501 ~ 201607
中央研究院基因體中心    博士後研究員    201409 ~ 201412