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Tailoring the Polymeric Nanoparticles for Rubber Reinforcement
林貞權 博士
摘要 :
Solutions for reinforcing rubbers with polymeric nanoparticles are approached with both mechanistic and statistics paths. Polymeric nanoparticles with brush-like polydiene as the shell and crosslinked polystyrene as the core were synthesized using anionic polymerization via a self-assembly process of macromolecules in solutions. The microstructures of nanoparticles were designed to match those of the matrix polymer used for tire compounds. Desirable compound properties were obtained by tailoring the shell sizes of the nanoparticles. Depending on the core/shell structures of the nanopartilces, the addition of the nanosized particles may impart the compound ultimate physical properties. Well reinforced compounds with enhanced dynamical storage modulus without increasing their dependences on temperature and deformation strain amplitude can be obtained by the addition of the nanoparticle with lengthened shell chains. Improved tensile mechanical properties without increasing high-temperature hysteresis were also attained by such reinforcement. Passenger and truck tire applications can be advantageously benefited from these properties with improved tire handling and cornering consistence without increasing the rolling resistance and the sacrifices of other performances. The fundamental behind the experimental results was mechanistically investigated by conducting a miscibility study on various binary blends of nanoparticle and rubber matrix. The compatibility between the nanoparticle and the matrix rubber along with the core concentration were demonstrated to be responsible for the observed improved compound properties. In addition, a solution was proposed via a statistical tool of response surface method (RSM) to attain the optimum results through models built based variables of polymeric nanoparticle core/shell structure and its dosage.
學經歷 :
Ph.D. in Polymer Science and Engineering October 1995
Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY Advisor: Professor N.P. Balsara (currently with UC Berkeley)
Ph.D. Thesis: "Thermodynamics in Block Copolymers & Multicomponent Polymer Blends"
MS in Materials Science and Engineering August 1990
The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Advisor: Professor J.H. Magill (retired)
MS Thesis: "Mechanical Properties and Morphologies of Rolltruded Propylene-Ethylene Block Copolymers"
BS in Chemical Engineering June 1987
The National Taiwan Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
Senior Project: "Particle Size and Distribution Measured by Modified Anderson Pipettes"
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, OH, Compounder Principal, 7/2021 – present
• Support tire plant compounding operation.
• Develop and facilitate new compounds to impact business positively.
• Innovate technologies and knowledge for compounding and tire materials.