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Ludmila Mravcová, Ph.D.
摘要 :
Pharmaceuticals (PhACs) can be introduced into the environment via a number of routes. Some of the PhACs from human and animal sources are not fully removed in a conventional wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and therefore they can be found in the effluent of WWTPs and in their sewage sludge. PhACs residues can enter the terrestrial environment following soil applications of wastewater (recycled water) and biosolids (e.g. treated sewage sludge). Animal waste is commonly applied to agriculture crop fields as a source of organic fertilizer (unfortunately with residues of PhACs). Some antibiotics may be retained in soils, while the remainder can leach to the surface- and groundwater through surface runoff and infiltration. Soil contaminated with residues of antibiotics causes selective outgrowth of resistant bacteria, which alternates antibiotics sensitivity of the whole microbial communities.
The LC/MS/MS technique is commonly used for the analysis of drug residues in the environment. Optimized extraction and analyte identification procedures are used to study and define potential sources of environmental contamination in water and soil.
學經歷 :
Education and Professional positions
Dipl. Eng.
1999 – 2004 Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection, Diploma Thesis: ““Úprava huminových vod různými koagulanty” (Treatment of humic waters by different coagulants)
2004 – 2008, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection, Doctoral thesis: “(The Application Of Separation Techniques Based On Gas And Liquid Chromatography With Different Types Of Detectors For The Determination Of Biologically Active Compounds And Selected Xenobiotics)”
2017 - 2019 junior researcher at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry
2019 -now assistant professor at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection
Pedagogical activities
Guaranteed courses: Analytical chemistry (CZ & EN), Mass spectrometry (CZ), Chromatography (CZ),
Lectured Courses: Instrumental and structure analysis (CZ, EN), Environmental analysis in practice (CZ, EN) Laboratory of analytical chemistry I & II; Laboratory of instrumental and structure analysis; Laboratory of environmental analysis (CZ, EN), Water analysis (EN)
Ph.D. Students: Ing. Pavlína Landová (thesis topic: Determination of selected drugs from the group of antidepressants, antibiotics and beta-blockers)Ing. Tereza Tulková (thesis topic: Contamination of wastewater with biologically active substances)Ing. Jan Fučík (thesis topic: Evaluation of the occurrence of selected pharmaceuticals in the soil ecosystem)
Research focus
As a member of the research group of environmental analysis and the Materials Research Centre (CMV) I am responsible for tandem separation technique and mass spectrometry, especially LC/MS, GC/MS, and GCxGC/MS.
Recently, my research has focused on analyzing pharmaceuticals and pesticides in the environment and using advanced oxidation processes for their removal or concentration reduction. The next part of my research is devoted to the characterization of biochar obtained from different biomass sources and its application to soil.