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Analytical Instrumentation: from Prototypes to Applications
Assoc. Prof. Pawel L. Urban
時間:2021年03月19日 (五) 15:10
主持人:柯碧蓮教授 發佈人:謝馨瑩
講者:Assoc. Prof. Pawel L. Urban
講題:Analytical Instrumentation: from Prototypes to Applications
摘要 :
In this talk, I will cover the recent research activities of my laboratory dedicated to instrumental analysis. The main messages of the talk are: (i) mass spectrometry is a universal tool for monitoring dynamic processes, such as extraction of biological samples; (ii) hydrogel micropatch array probe is a convenient non-invasive tool for sampling traces of metabolites from skin surface; (iii) fizzy extraction coupled with APCI-MS provides a simple and automated way to analyze semivolatile species in liquid samples; (iv) smart strategies permit real-time monitoring of processes involving small (volatile) as well as large molecules (proteins); (v) open-source electronics facilitates prototyping automated sample handling systems for mass spectrometry.
學經歷 :
-2017, Associate Professor, National Tsing Hua University
-2017, Associate Professor, National Chiao Tung University
-2015, Assistant Professor, National Chiao Tung University
-2011, PDRA, National Chiao Tung University
-2010, PDRA, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich (Marie Curie fellow)
-2008, PhD, University of York (Marie Curie fellow)
-2004, Exchange, University of Alcala
-2002(3), MSc, University of Warsaw