[活動] 成大化工系暨成大未來智慧工場聯合演講
時間:2024年07月04日 (四) 10:00~12:00
講者:馬千里 博士
服務單位:National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan & University of Tsukuba, Japan
主持人:吳意珣 教授
報名截止日:2024年07月03日 (三)
聯絡人:吳意珣教授 / 莊雲婷助理
聯絡電話:校內分機62681轉235 莊小姐
2017 - 2023 Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
2013 - 2015 Master Degree of Sciences, Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago
2002 - 2007 Medical Doctor, Medicine, Peking University
2023 - current Assistant Research Fellow, Medical Device Innovation Center, National Cheng Kung University
2018 - 2022 Research Assistant, Lab Manager, National Cheng Kung University
2016 - 2017 Research Assistant, National Yang-Ming University
2013 - 2016 Research Assistant, University of Illinois at Chicago
2010 - 2011 Resident in General Surgery, People's Hospital of Peking University
Failure is not the most significant risk; it is just a process of heading to the next stage of life. Because failure is affected by multiple factors, several testimonies showed us that failed projects still had their value, and failed products might not be considered failures in the long run. How to face failure is the turning point for many novel ideas. Therefore, in this sharing, I would like to use several examples from serial entrepreneurs and myself to share the right attitude to face failure and how to use experience to fuel the next step. I will also share the mentality of being an explorer in any circumstance of your career. It might be challenging, but the reward is priceless.