

Lamar University, Chemical Engineering Department Professor
國立成功大學化學工程學系 學士
Mississippi State University, PhD
Chemical Corp, Production Engineer 1975-1978; Lamar University, Chemical Engineering Department, Assistant/Associate/Professor, 1978 - present; Department Chair 2000-2007.

出版多本化學領域教科書,如:“Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons and Chemicals Volume 2 – Chapter 7 & Volume 3 – Chapter 9”、“Handbook of Vapor Pressure – Volume 2, C5 to C7 Compounds”、”Handbook of Separation Techniques for Chemical Engineers – Section 1.8 – Air Stripping”等著作。

  • His “Flare Minimization via Simulation” projects, founded by USEPA, Texas TCEQ, Texas Air Research Center, and Houston Advanced Research Center; together with collaborations from chemical industry have saved several million dollars of raw material from burning and reduced the air pollution by source reduction. Working together with faculty members here, he is extending his efforts to establish a Simulation Center at NCKU.
  • His experts in polysilicon, chlorosilanes, and monosilane manufacturing processes have contributed to several successful and on-going projects in China and Taiwan through a   collaboration with DEI (Dynamic Engineering Inc.), a design company based in Houston. 
  • “Li has served Lamar University and his profession with distinction and generosity. He was department chair for seven years, led the effort to gain Lamar’s only Ph.D.program, worked tirelessly to maintain accreditation from ABET and guided Lamar’s master’s program to national prominence.” Said Stephen Doblin, provost and VP for academic affair at Lamar University. – p 24A, The Examiner, April 24-30, 2009.
  • 2009 University Professor, awarded for life, is Lamar University’s most prestigious faculty award for academic excellence
  • President of Lamar University CID (Council of Instructional Department) 2001-2002
  • The Blue Key Honor Society, The Phi Tau Phi Honor Society, The Sigma Xi Honor Society, Member 
  • University Teaching Excellence Award, Lamar University, 1996
  • Amoco Outstanding Teaching Award, Lamar University, 1992
  • Selected by the United Nations Development Programs to China as an environmental evaluator, 1990
  • Outstanding Education Award, AIChE-Texas Sabine Pass Section, 1982
  • Marquis Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1980