Foreign Language Proficiency Requirements

Applicable to undergraduate students

Foreign language proficiency verificationredit

Students who have reached the English proficiency requirements specified by department should submit their applications to the online"Confirmation of English Competence System" with necessary score reports attached. Students can log into the online system to monitor the application processes and decisions after the submissions are filed.

The English proficiency requirements specified by department

For students who enroll hereafter in the Academic Year 99

Achieving GEPT High-Intermediate Level

Achieving 69 or higher on the TOEFL iBT

Achieving 5.5 or higher on the IELTS

Achieving 750 or higher on the TOEIC

Achieving other standardized tests equivalent to CEFR-B2 level Language exam with their CEFR Alignments (link from Foreign Language Center)ĦBBESTEP with their CEFR Alignments(from BEER.c)

Undergraduate students who have completed the four credits of English courses specified in theĦ§NCKU General Education English Course Enrollment NotesĦ¨, but fail to meet the English proficiency requirements set by department are eligible to take Online Remedial English.

The foreign students from countries where English is an official language or foreign students who have received formal high school English education do not need to apply for Foreign language proficiency verification if they have obtained the qualification of 4 credits of English exemption.The list of Nations with English as the Official or Common Language.